
The Watch and Jewellery Initiative 2030 hosted its second members workshop at Cartier, in Geneva

February 15, 2023

The Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030 hosted its members, strategic partners and key experts for the second time on Wednesday February 15th at the WJI 2030 Members Workshop. The goal for the day was to be inspired, to update members on the current status and progress made till date, explore the active role members can play in governance, and start actioning the 3 strategic pillars, building on the expectations shared during our first members workshop in October 2022. The priorities were clear, and how we move forward is fundamental to delivering our goals in a pragmatic approach.

When it came to actioning the 3 pillars, our members, partners, and experts came together to shape the vision for delivering positive impact, discussing concrete actions and developing roadmaps that will help us launch new workstreams and deliver on our 3 key pillars: Climate Resilience, Preserving Resources, and Fostering Inclusiveness.

On each of these topics working groups were organised in order to share input and experiences, allow members to provide suggestions, and more importantly, agree on meaningful commitments on a large range of stakes such as biodiversity, human rights and climate change.

Two workstreams have been launched on gender responsive procurement with UN Women and transparency reporting with ESG book.

We had the privilege of welcoming Mr. Cyrille Vigneron during the workshop, to share some insightful perspectives and engage in a Q&A discussion with our members. CEO leadership is fundamental to this initiative, and it was a pleasure to welcome Mr. Cyrille Vigneron to demonstrate why commitment needs to be at the highest level. 

The WJI 2030 is looking forward to embarking on this critical journey with its members from many of the world’s leading Watch and Jewellery organisations, and sharing our roadmap ahead in the coming weeks.  

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