
Fifth Member Workshop Held at Cartier, Paris

March 27, 2024

Last week, we were pleased to meet with our members, partners and team at the fifth WJI 2030 Member Workshop, hosted by Cartier in Paris, France. We thank our members and partners for bringing their drive for accelerated action to our sessions and making this workshop engaging and practical. The workshop focused on topical deep-dives into the core pillars of WJI 2030: Climate Resilience, Nature, and Inclusion.

We examined current actions, progress, and concrete next steps within each pillar, exploring existing workstreams and introducing new topics such as life cycle assessment and circularity, living wage, and livelihoods. While we acknowledge the challenges ahead, we are encouraged by the commitment and progress demonstrated by our members. As reflected in the African proverb shared by Paul Polman at the WJI 2030 panel at ChangeNOW, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”

Every action taken by our members contributes to our collective impact. Key takeaways from the workshop included interest in developing a Living Wage Learning Path, emphasizing both theoretical understanding and practical implementation under Pillar 3: Inclusiveness. Breakout groups on Pillar 1: Climate, addressed topics such as calculating carbon footprint and promoting circularity. Under Pillar 3: Preserving Resources, challenges were discussed regarding integrating a nature strategy into day-to-day operations, and existing efforts in other pillars were explored as they can serve as a foundation for assessing biodiversity materiality and collating relevant data while the Nature Roadmap and Playbook are in development. Members were also encouraged to participate in pilots aligned with their sustainability ambitions, including inclusive employment and collaborative initiatives such as CSDDD.

As we reflect on the insights gained and discussions held during the workshop, we are energized to continue the momentum towards accelerated action in our workstreams. Collaboration, shared learning, and transparency remain central to our collective efforts as we strive to make scalable impact.

Special appreciation goes to Boston Consulting Group, BSR, The Biodiversity Consultancy, Deloitte, ESG Book, and Quantis for sharing their expertise and enriching our workshop discussions and break out sessions.

We extend our appreciation to all participants for their dedication and look forward to continuing to work together toward our ambitious goals and collective action to build climate resilience, preserve resources, and foster inclusiveness. Together, we empower the change.

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